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Hail Hydra

Rowai sent word for aid in dealing with a hydra terrorizing the shores of Eastern Larrunana. Atom needed a break from the encounter with the mind flayer and so Sorcerer and Hood went without their companion to help Rowai. The three heroes began discussing the best way to defend the heavily populated island they would be protecting and agreed to meet the northbound hydra at the southernmost tip of the island. When the monster arrived, it struck significant damage to Hood early in the fray.

Soon after; Black Knight, Neshir, Emerald Knight (White Knight's replacement), and Songbird (Keremet's replacement) arrived to help combat the monster. While Sorcerer, Black Knight, and Songbird went to the island towns to evacuate the citizens to the northern edge of the island; Hood, Rowai, Neshir, and Emerald Knight stayed behind to fight the monster.

In the ensuing battle, the hydra fell victim to the teamwork of Hood and the other heroes who used the Emerald Knight's abilities to fortify their attacks. After an hour of fighting, the beast was slain and no civilians were killed in the wake. After healing up and relishing in the victory, the heroes returned to the League's headquarters.

There, the party sat in on a meeting where they tried to find out why the hydra made it to shore anyway. Hood and Sorcerer opened up at the meeting about their knowledge of the Black Knight being the only person with the abilities to mask such a large creature from sight for so long. The heroes at the table shared the duo's sentiments and asked them to step out of the room while they spoke to Black Knight.

After leaving the room, the two immediately heard the noise of loud yelling once the door closed. Outside the conference room, the two began to question the strength of a hero team constantly butting heads with each other. Upon speaking with other "B-Team" heroes, the two decided it would be in their best interest to form a new league of heroes.

After speaking to Reaper, Sorceress, and Question about just how to accomplish such a task, Black Knight stormed out of the conference room and threw his League badge on the ground signaling his resignation from the team. Sorcerer channeled communication with Swamp Thing through a nearby potted fern and garnered his support for founding a new team with the condition that they ask Black Knight to lead them.

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