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Hawk Girl

The Black Knight found out about a warrior impersonating Neshir in Miseer is a one-man-war against gnolls and were-hyena there. The Black Knight was interested in inviting this masked warrior to join the party's new organization and sent the party to Miseer to invite the fighter to join.

The party arrived in the capital city and met with Neshir who was investigating the same impersonator. The team spoke with the Hubbad- an ancient order of human paladins to which Neshir belonged before joining the League.

After their conversation with the Hubbad, the party split up among the city and explroed the half-elf and human neighborhoods for information on the Three Demons. Sorcerer found an ancient scroll containing information about Civil War and decided to trade away all of his fancy cowboy hats and alpaca wool ponchos in exchange for the scrolls- only to find out after the trade he would need a key to unlock them.

The party returned to the Hubbad headquarters to speak with Neshir. She had spoken with her old Guardian- a guide tasked with training half-demons and with fighting beside them against demon spawn- and learned the impersonator would be out later that night to ambush a group of were-hyena.

The party and Neshir went to the half-elf neighborhood where they found the impersonator wearing Neshir's old hawk armor. The impersonator stormed into the street to fight a score of were-hyena attempting to lure half-elf children out of their homes. The party jokingly whispered about simply sitting back and watching as the impersonator fared well solo against the monsters. Neshir concurred and waited back to watch the impersonator's fighting style.

Finally, Neshir recognized the fighting style and stormed into the street to help fight the were-hyenas. The party soon followed and within a short time either slew or routed the remaining fiends. Neshir unmasked the impersonator who turned out to be her guardian. The party was not surprised, but reveled in the drama. Sorcerer attempted to lend his words; trying to council the two.

After a private conversation with her Guardian, Neshir returned to the party to report her age marks an unusual life for a human anti-demon. "If I am going to die at this age," she told them, "I want it to be in my own country beside my own people." Neshir warned the party about the danger of the more powerful League members and gave the party a purple arrowhead rumored to be made of the destroyed realm of White Knight's home realm. The party left Neshir for the last time and returned to Larrunana.

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