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Black Knight reported rumors of a dangerous weapon in Central Zezen and wanted the party to investigate. The party travelled to Zezen to meet with the newest member of the League who was willing to get the party through the warzone of Northern Txahal so they can enter the occupied territory where the rumored weapon residesd. At a half-orc army camp in the countryside of Northern Txahal, the party spoke with a half-orc army captain who told them about the final campaigns of the war before bringing them to Fleet.

Fleet told the party about a weapon controlled by a group of half-elves in Central Zezen who planned on using the ancient weapon to fight the demon spawn of the Mujikan Army. Fleet believed it was the Ancient Blade that went missing after the events of Keremet’s battle with the Txahal warlord and warned the party about the dangers of the half-elves using the weapon.

Fleet transported the party to the secret underground resistance headquarters in Central Zezen. The party and Fleet met with the resistance led by a group of Coastal Half-Elves. They informed Fleet that their weapon was an ancient power used by their people in ancient times when they were enslaved in the Twin Rivers region. They recovered it shortly before the Mujikan Army invaded their new nation in Central Zezen. The party spoke with the resistance leader about the Coastal Half-Elves and learned about their diaspora and the genocide the vampiric Mujikans had instated on their people.

After a long conversation, the resistance leader brought the party and Fleet to see the ancient weapon and revealed a large clay statue. It was not the weapon any of the heroes expected, but- after hearing about how the half-elves planned on using the weapon- the party and Fleet agreed to help.

The half-elves showed the party a map of the capitol grounds for their nation's legislature. The Mujikans were using the grounds as a headquarters for a division of anti-paladins. The resistance leader pointed out three regions of the grounds- one controlled by an olifant battalion, one of anti-paladin cavalry, and one of artillery. The party organized a strategy with the resistance where the party and Fleet would ambush the artillery and turn the weapons on the other battalions. The half-elves would assault the olifant battalion and sneak the golem into the capitol where the cavalry were stationed.

The resistance wasted no time with their assault, claiming a desire to greet the sunrise with victory. Fleet, Sorcerer, and Atom created a raincloud of holy water and unleashed it on the artillery. The three sat back and watched as the vampire anti-paladins engulfed in flames and cries of terror. The three heroes then rushed to the artillery and began firing one of the ballista on the capitol building, shielded by their continuing rain of holy water. The capitol building caught flame and signaled for the half-elves to assault the olifants.

As the olifants battalion began losing ground to the resistance fighters, the cavalry stormed out of the burning capitol building. Sorcerer unleashed the strength of his sun god talisman and summoned the power of the sun on the anti-paladins attempting to escape the burning building. The three heroes realized only half of the cavalry were attempting to escape the building and looked on as they saw the golem at work inside destroying the vampires inside.

The party spoke with Fleet after the ordeal about the danger of the golem, urging Fleet to confiscate the weapon. Fleet told the party, "These people have been the victims of mass murder at the hands of the dwarves. This weapon was their only means of self defense. If we destroy it, what defense will these people have against the next group of evil dwarves? I don't like it either, but these half-elves need this weapon."

The party begrudgingly agreed and left the country with Fleet. Upon return to the half-orc camp in Northern Txahal, the party witnessed celebratory half-orc infantry. The soldiers were celebrating the end of the war. As the party fought beside the golem, the Mujikan vampire warlord committed suicide in the Mujikan capital. When the Otvud Army stormed the city, the Mujikan high command surrendered; ending the war in Zezen.

The party had little time to revel in the victory however. Fleet informed them the Larrunanans were not as celebratory. The Larrunana steward died from his life-long illness; which signaled not only the fact that he could have only died in the aftermath of surrendering the Pumice Stone, but also that a new steward would take his place- and one whose alignment was untested and unknown to the League.

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