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The party received news from Black Knight that the Larrunana steward died from his life-long disease and a new steward has taken over. With the war against the Rinchu Elves showing no end in sight, the new steward has elected to unleash a powerful weapon over the skies of the Richu Islands. The party dispatched to track down the weapon and find out how it would be used.

The party disguised themselves as medics on an island in the northern atolls of the Ocean of Peace in order to gain entrance to a warship Black Knight reported housed the weapon. The party spoke briefly with soldiers on the island and identified the warship carrying the weapon and boarded almost immediately.

The ship set off and the party quickly learned the ship had recently unloaded a dangerous cargo which- based on the arcane residue left in the absence of the weapon- could only be a combination of the three anti-demon weapons. Atom debated with his companions a dangerous plan to sink the ship before learning the weapons had already been unloaded when the group decided instead to turn the ship around and head back to the atoll.

Before the ship's captain could turn around, a Richu water drake struck the ship and within minutes the frigate was swallowed whole leaving the surviving sailors in the water. Hood had the foresight to free two emergency rafts before jumping ship and saving the captain. Atom fell into the water and struggled to stay afloat. Sorcerer held tightly to his dagger stuck in the sinking ship's deck before the water drake amputated his arm with a single bite. Sorcerer- without his wizard's staff and missing an arm was in shock and could not summon any arcane abilities to save himself. Atom arrived and pulled Sorcerer to safety as the water drake swam off into the ocean.

The captain told the party no one knew where the ship was nor where it was going- meaning nobody would ever be able to find them unless the current pushed them somewhere safe. As the sun began to rise, the party's troubles got worse.

The cries of sailors began as sharks descended on the wounded sailors and marines stranded in the ocean. One shark punctured the party's raft forcing the heroes to use a temporary hold to plug the hole. After sleeping for the first time in two days, the party's raft sank beneath the waves. The group swam to the only other remaining craft while the captain fell to the wrath of the sharks. Hood healed some of the wounded sailors on the last raft while his companions climbed aboard.

For the next two weeks, the party struggled through rain storms, schools of sharks, thirst, and hunger to survive the open ocean where hope dwindled as the days went on without hope of survival. The party succumbed to total loss of moral and resigned to the belief the ocean would be their death. Atom used his last ounce of arcana to send a signal into the skies- which disappeared into the blue daylight- and prayed to his sea goddess Laut for a peaceful afterlife. The party and the few remaining sailors closed their eyes and entered a deep sleep.

A bell rang to awake the sailors and the party. As they opened their eyes, a rope dropped into the raft with a silhouette standing on a ship above them. The Black Knight received the distress signal and Laut appeared to him to tell the hero where to find the party. After providing much needed medical care, Black Knight informed the party the Larrunanans destroyed the weapons over the skies of Richu and the Three Demons were unleashed. The Richu surrendered almost immediately and the Three Demons were now fully returned to the realm.

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