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Second Great Dwarf War: Epilogue

As the Larrunana Republic celebrated its victory over the Richu Elves, the world around them descended into chaos as Hunger, Civil War, and Plague spread their influence over the realm. The founding members of the League were divided. The mortally wounded Keremet returned to her world in the middle of the war and watched from her isolated tower as the realm she fought so hard for fell apart in her absence. Her replacement- the Songbird- returned to Larrunana a heroine. But her status as a bearer of winged victory would be a short flight. Only one year after her triumphant return from war, Songbird was brutally murdered beside her girlfriend in their home.

Neshir fought beside her Watcher in Miseer against the impossible armies of gnolls who plagued the nation. She died in battle before the end of the war. Her replacement- Fleet continued to fight the armies of the Three Demons until he realized there could be no hope. In a last-ditch effort to defeat the forces of evil, Fleet outran his own self and through his powers of speed disappeared in a red cloud never to be seen again.

Rowai prepared to stand beside the few remaining heroes of the world and approached Black Knight about joining the new league of heroes. Black Knight denied his request stating Rowai’s own people needed him in such dark times and that at least one of the original League members must survive and carry on the fight should the worst happen. Rowai returned to Santos in solace to prepare his realm for the end of all worlds.

White Knight returned from his self-exile after the war’s end to combat the primordial spawn of the evil demons. In battle against Herensuge, White Knight dueled the fiend over the skies of Zezen. For three days, the two fought before Herensuge dropped from the skies in exhaustion. The father of dragons, wyverns, and numerous other monsters who had returned to the realm; was defeated. But in the fight, White Knight had so exhausted his own strength that he died from the duel. His replacement in the League- Emerald Knight saw the scope of the evil to come after the death of White Knight, removed his ring of power, and walked away from his life of fighting evil.

Of all the original League members, Black Knight faired the best in his fight against the evil forces of the Three Demons. He led a new League formed from the remnants of all heroes who still stood against evil in the realm, but one by one each of the new league members fell against the power of the demons until Black Knight remained as the last ray of hope in the world. In his old age in the city he called home, Black Knight fought in defense of a young human girl, but suffered a heart attack battling a common street thief. To save himself and the girl, Black Knight drew his hand crossbow and killed the thief- breaking his only rule of never killing a mortal being. After surviving the attack, Black Knight retired his armor and retreated into both his cavernous mansion and his mind.

The League was now completely destroyed and the demons once assigned with controlling the mortal beings of the world had now accomplished their task. The weapons devised to imprison the demons were destroyed and all hope of combating the forces the demons wielded were extinguished.

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