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Prologue to Desert Storm Campaign

Following the events of the Second Great Dwarf War, the once powerful League of Heroes fell one by one to the power of the Three Demons. Hunger- the demon of natural disasters- corrupted the leadership of the Labana Empire and through their colonial power over the realm brought starvation to the world. Civil War- demon of violence- corrupted the leadership of Larrunana and through their trade networks inspired violent civil wars, revolutions, and coups d'etats across the realm. Plague- demon of disease- corrupted the leadership of the Otvud Union and through their military incursions followed behind with destructive pestilence.

The Three Demons brought with them their monstrous offspring who brought chaos and death to the realm. The only being powerful enough to defeat the combined strength of the demonic armies was Death herself, but her assistance in the resistance was absent from the realm. But all was not lost. While the armies of the Three Demons hunted the former heroes of the League- a new band of resistance heroes was forming among beings across the realm who only needed a hero of the past to unite them.

Fleet- one of the heroes of the Old League who disappeared into a cloud of red smoke shortly after the Second Great Dwarf War and assumed dead- appeared out of a cloud of red smoke in 3989 to find the world overrun by demon spawn. With none of his former allies in this new world, Fleet sped around the realm looking for anyone able to get him back to his own world. After finding the evils that plagued his future, Fleet assembled the last heroes in the realm willing to make a final stand against the evils that now ruled.

During the Second Age, the Half-Elves assembled weaponry capable of defeating the primordials- the original children of the Three Demons and spread out among the ruins of the Dwarves, Half-Dwarves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Humans, and Elves. By 3989, this region had become the epicenter for the destruction brought to the realm by the arrival of the Three Demons and bore the weight of disease, war, and natural disasters. On an island isolated from the destruction in the Eastern half of the Mediator Sea, Fleet assembled the heroes in a small coffee shop to discuss the impossible task ahead of them.

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